This event has passed, but the lectures are now all available on YouTube!

Also available as audio on my Pacific Heart Podcast (Ep. 17-24)
There’s so much going on in the world right now. Our identities are interdependent with the culture, the environment, the internet. I’m hoping to offer, through these lectures, some psychological insight into the zeitgeist.
These 8 weeknight lectures will be based on my experience as a psychiatrist with interest in self-compassion, compassion, Asian American mental health, and technology. Below is an outline of the schedule. The lectures/workshops will be offered for free/by donation. You can contribute at SF Love Dojo’s Paypal if you’d like ($5-20 per lecture/workshop), would really be nice, and give me a little budget to potentially work these into videos for online distribution. In person cash donation is preferred, to avoid fees.)
8 consecutive Mondays or Wednesdays beginning Wednesday, September 11th, 2019, through Monday, October 28th, 2019, from 6:30-8:30 pm in the below location. The lectures will only be 20-30 minutes long, followed by group discussion. Workshops will have slightly longer, more interactive didactic and experiential components. All classes will be first come, first seated, no tickets necessary. But please sign up for a newsletter to get updates and the videos if and when they are released.
Location: Union Bank Hospitality Room
Japantown East Mall (near Daiso)
San Francisco, California
Week 1
Wednesday September 11, 2019Â 6:30 pm
Mindful Self Compassion introductory workshop
Based on the principles of MSC’s 8 week workshop. A lecture on the principles of MSC and compassion with a couple of guided exercises. At left is an image of how you’ll feel at the end of the workshop 🙂 There are over 1200 research articles to date about MSC’s positive effects in building resilience, preventing burnout, and helping people cope with depression, anxiety, etc.
Week 2
Monday, September 16, 2019 6:30 pm
Compassion in difficult times
Caring for others is literally what we’re best at as human beings and as a society. We do it imperfectly, and there are horrendous examples of failure, but it’s a strong suit. What we need support for is cultivating our compassion in difficult and stressful situations. Also – in America today, we can especially see how abusive/punitive power overrides compassion. How might we rebalance ourselves as individuals and a society?
Week 3
Monday, September 23, 2019 6:30 pm
Asian American Men’s Mental Health and life/hero’s journeys
What do we know about API men’s mental health, from the data? I will also detail insights into the Asian American psyche and journeys of API men and women.
Week 4
Monday, September 30, 2019 6:30 pm
Asian American Women’s Mental Health and life/sheroine’s journeys
What do we know about API women’s mental health, from the data? I will also detail insights into the Asian American psyche and journeys of API men and women. (I will never know what it’s like to be a woman, but as a son of a single mother, someone who’s related deeply to women as friends my whole life, and has worked with primarily women in my private practice, and as a “Superfan” blogger at CAAMFest for 14 years, I hope to share some insights.)
Week 5
Wednesday, October 9, 2019 6:30 pm
Narcissism in the American psyche: historically and politically
Based on talks I’ve given at national conferences on the subject. Also could be called “Narcissism – from the American Founding to Facebook!” 🙂
Week 6
Monday, October 14, 2019 6:30 pm
Youth and the internet: addiction and relatedness – with comparisons of Asia and America
Week 7
Monday, October 21, 2019 6:30 pm
Cyberbullying and Youth Mental Health – Â personal and therapeutic cultural perspectives
Week 8
Monday, October 28, 2019 6:30 pm
Narcissism, Nihilism and Relatedness in the American Psyche
From Founding to Facebook – what is the history and the future of relatedness in America? How might we return to community, compassion, and connection?
Fall lecture series poster SF Love Dojo – PDF